Promoting and strengthening social start-ups on the Hanse Innovation Campus Lübeck!
Did you know that you can start a business with your social idea?
As part of our BMBF-funded project “SocialEntrepreneurship Cube – SIC”, we support you with your social idea, with the foundation of your sustainable, public welfare-oriented and social entrepreneurial project with targeted advice, events, workshops and our network in Lübeck, Schleswig-Holstein and throughout Germany.
What is social entrepreneurship?
Social entrepreneurship is the solution to social challenges using entrepreneurial means.
More and more people don't want to start their own business
solely to earn a living, but also to focus on solutions to social challenges.
Social enterprises can take on different organizational forms, including non-profit organizations, foundations or even commercial forms such as the UG (limited liability) or the (g)GmbH. Commercially organized social enterprises not only strive for profit, but also invest their income in social or ecological projects. This approach integrates economic sustainability with social responsibility and shows that companies, even if they are technologically oriented, can make a positive contribution to society.
From your idea to a social enterprise
Do you have lots of ideas, are you creative and have an inspiring vision for a sustainable project for the common good?
But you’re not sure how you can implement this in a sustainable way?
Then we are exactly the right people to talk to!
We will advise you on what you need to turn your idea into reality.
Statements from some of the founders
Isopterra is building and testing houses in Ghana using different earthen construction methods.
The buildings are low-cost prototypes that are self-sufficient and energy-efficient.
We only use local materials for the construction of high-quality earth buildings.
They are modern, comfortable and functional.
We are combating the housing shortage and building in a climate-neutral way.
This will help combat climate change and reduce dependence on imported materials.
“The GründerCube helped Isopterra with this last year,
to move forward with our innovative clay houses
and build a socially oriented start-up.
We developed a prototype over the course of the past year,
which is part of our first social project
was implemented in Ghana.”
Marvin Martin and Paul Tschense from Isopterra
Do you have a social or community-oriented idea and need help implementing it? Feel free to contact us!
Roman Spendler
Start-up consultant & head of the KI-Gründerlab project
Roman Spendler brings his many years of experience as an SME consultant and managing director of an AI start-up to the Gründercube.
His expertise in technology and business development makes him a sparring partner for exciting projects on the Lübeck campus.
Julia Sarre
Start-up consultant
Julia is a business lawyer and start-up consultant.
She is eager to hear your ideas, regardless of their nature, that add value to society.
Thanks to her experience in start-up consulting, she can provide you with expert advice on your path to a social start-up.
“I am equally looking forward to ideas for a socially oriented association as well as highly technological ideas that benefit society. All these exciting and creative ideas will make the world a little bit better.”
Phone: +49 451 3101 1154